Football Broncos WR Marshall Arrested on Two Charges


Bench Warmer
Nice job Marshall I just picked up 6 of his Donruss threads lettermans :mad:

atrain what gives man........

Broncos WR Marshall Arrested on Two Charges -

Denver Broncos wide receiver Brandon Marshall was arrested on Monday night on suspicion of false imprisonment and domestic violence after an incident with a woman who claimed to be his girlfriend.
I know the league is addressing off the field behavior issues this off-season, but lordy things seem to be getting worse. Maybe its just the media reporting it more, maybe its just me paying more attention; but it seems I am hearing about someone getting into trouble every week.

Doesn't stop at football either, the Indianapolis Pacers have been having a heck of a year in that department. Surprisingly, even the Colts a team who normally has been well behaved has had 3-4 run-ins with the law the last couple of seasons.

Children look up to these athletes as role models; unfortunately it seems they are teaching kids to be thugs. Even sadder management level and sponsors don't seem too concerned.

Hopefully they can get things back on track; but early reports I have heard out of off-season talks is that they really wont be doing much. We will see ...
I think we have to wait and see what comes out of this. Colorado law states that any time a 911 call is placed for "domestic violence" an arrest MUST be made. 99% of the time it is the male that get's arrested.

I don't see a major decline in his card value's because of this nor do I see any type of suspension from the league, from Shannahan and the Bronco's maybe ... but not the league!
The NFL has been at it's worst the last few years in terms of a huge increase players getting in trouble with the law. The league needs to really crack down and get things in order soon or the Bengals won't even be able to field a team.