Basketball Bron Bron and Steph Curry Knicks Teammates


Bench Warmer
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :wow1:
i work with a close friend/family member of Dell Curry at UPS
Word is Steph and Bron Bron are good friends, Bron Bron attended alotta stephs games when he blew up in the NCAA tourney Last year, Anyway
Dells' thinkin the kincks are gonna take steph with their pick, and if Bron Bron doesnt win it all,,,, Look out could happen! Im not saying. im just sayin :D :cool: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I broke it on SCFreaks first!.........That is IF and only IF it happens.
Not happening,sorry.

No secret that Bron was at games Curry was playing,it was all over Sportscenter.

Golden State is going to take Curry,and as much as I'd love to see Lebron on 33rd St,it's a pipe dream
I dont really see Curry going to the Warriors unless they plan on getting rid of some guards they have way to many as it is, they needa big guy. I dont see Lebron going to NY either
i agree

GotGibson? said:
LeBron might want to leave now. He has received no help in this series so far.

Def agree with you there. Lebron staying will have alot to do with how far they go in the finals :)

What a series so far !!!
why would he want to leave for the Knicks? The Knicks are awful, what would be the motivation for him to go there? Bigger market? It doesn't matter what city you are playing in, we have so many different media's to work with who cares if he's in a bigger market? Brett Favre & Peyton Manning have succeeded in small markets. I don't understand why he would want to go to a team like the Knicks where he'd have to start all over again. At least Cleveland is willing to try and put the pieces together for a winning franchise. I think they need to rid themselves of Big Z in favor of a true big man (Not sure where they will find it but they need to do it). Not to mention they Cleveland just sold stake to a Chinese Investment group and it's well documented that LeBron wants to be an international star so this is a great opportunity for him to do that. Another thing, there's no way the Knicks can lure him with $ because of the way the NBA is set up. The Cavs are the only team that can offer him the most $, whatever the number is. It just doesn't make sense for him to go to a team that's been awful and irrelevant for 10+ years.
BDHornets1 said:
he was drafted by them, he had no choice on going to Cleveland ;)

I know this rarely, if at all happens, but he didn't have to sign the contract. Or he could of pulled an Eli Manning.