As my feeling, I think at that scene like this.
(Stopped Scene of Youtube)
TD : Hey Bill, would you mind giving me that ball ? You already have 11 rings !! It would be better you give me ball as my present?
Bill : hmm..Boy..You don't know the mechanism of the real world.
There is no free things. If I autograph on this ball, price would be higher at least 500$ !! So why I would have to give you ball as present?
And if you really want to get this ball, I would like to sell 11 rings with ball. My serious offer price would be .....hmm.....110,000$. That is dirty cheap !
Your salary is crazy right?
TD : Thank you and No Thank you for your kind offer. I will pass.
BTW I can rob your rings without paying. I will let Robert Horry and Bowen push you,Bill. I think it would be better you give me that ball with 11 rings before their working......