Best Storage ****od of Cards in Cases


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So, I am in the process of cataloging and organizing my "nicer" collection..but right now I have the bulk of the cards in hard cases stored in plastic boxes or cardboard shoe-boxes. I am trying to come up with a better ****od of storage that is easier to organize. Any suggestions?
By best do you mean offer the most protection? My 'best" ****od is a combination of protection offered, affordability, and ability to display or allow me to see my cards.

By best do you mean offer the most protection? My 'best" ****od is a combination of protection offered, affordability, and ability to display or allow me to see my cards.
I think my best falls into the same idea as yours. I want something that provides protection...but the cards are already in cases so they are already protected for the most part. My biggest issue is things are really disorganized. If I want to look at a specific card, I have to do a lot of "digging" to find it. I'm more interested in organization, ease to view (or find) and affordability.