Baseball Baseball Hall fails to add new member in '13

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SCF Sports News

For the first time since 1996, the Baseball Hall of Fame will have a year without any new members.

Not surprised with this.

From what I've read and heard (on ESPN and the news stations) the voters seemed to be more concerned with NOT letting the players accused of using PEDS getting into the HOF versus voting for those players that should be in the HOF.
Give me a break. Dale Murphy, Raines, Lee Smith, Mattingly, Biggio????
No way these guys used *****. Like they say, next year will be a log jam with all the eligible players and only 10 spots to vote for. Some of these guys should have gone in this year.
wasn't saying that about Murphy, etc., etc.

ESPN was reporting that the guys that deserved to get it were being overlooked due to the fact that the voters wanted to make sure the PED users did not get in. I would think voting for the deserving players would have done the same thing?