Basketball attyball23 of philippines 0708 NBA Exquisite Case Break

why waste all that money on cards

i can understand it being a hobby but that is taking it way too far

how is it even fun after awhile?
sportsguyryan said:

why waste all that money on cards

i can understand it being a hobby but that is taking it way too far

how is it even fun after awhile?

is that really necessary? your post would have been just fine without that....why take it that next step and call someone a name?
ExquisiteSniper said:
Idiots huh? Lay off the haterade guy.

Sign up just to make that post?

ac-n-mike said:
is that really necessary? your post would have been just fine without that....why take it that next step and call someone a name?

Okay, I agree that it was out of line. I edited the post.


Still, I mean, we are talking about $150,000+ worth of basketball cards. You could buy a car, down payment on a house, heck, if you have that much money, go to an event and meet the players themselves. I know a guy that can get you into an all-star weekend party with LeBron, Kobe, MJ, etc. for under 10 grand. To me, that would be more rewarding than ink and cloth on cardboard.
sportsguyryan said:
Sign up just to make that post?

Okay, I agree that it was out of line. I edited the post.


Still, I mean, we are talking about $150,000+ worth of basketball cards. You could buy a car, down payment on a house, heck, if you have that much money, go to an event and meet the players themselves. I know a guy that can get you into an all-star weekend party with LeBron, Kobe, MJ, etc. for under 10 grand. To me, that would be more rewarding than ink and cloth on cardboard.

People value different things man... I mean there are people who will go out there and spend a few million on a vintage car which they really won't drive, but like to have. Some people may go and spend a ton of old furniture that they like. Attyball likes to spend a lot on cards and its his hobby, so why not? I mean it's his money and his hobby. Maybe he would rather bust boxes of exquisite than buy a new car, it doesn't matter...
Cards, Expensive cars, Big houses, expensive clothing, name brands. They are all a waste of money or an investment. Its the value you get from it and not others. He earned his money. He spends it the way he likes!
money is nothing to these guys they are one of the wealthiest family here in the philippines...
and they`ve done it before busting boxes...
it is just their first time to do a video of their incredible breakbox...
and watch out for more...
i think they already have their 3rd and 4th video im not sure if its already uploaded...
just check it out or be updated in a local forum here in the philippines...

edit mod

these guys are FREAKING AMAZING! I think there is some jealousy running amuck LOL heck I'll say it I wish I could open ONE box..let alone TONS of CASES LOL!