Anyone have any Rudi Johnson Autos?

I have a friend who is a huge Auburn Tigers and Bengals fan and his fave player is Rudi Johnson. CMB for anything you like.. and remember I will go DOuble BV in Hockey cards for Football.. Also if anyone has any status on Johnson it would be nice to know. He had 3 awesome seasons in a row with the Bengals then goes to the Lions and didnt do squat. But you never hear his name among the Veteran Free agents like Dunn, James, etc
I don't have an auto.. but I have this....

IF you want it.... 200,000 points and it's yours ;)

hmmmm I have these seahawks....

50k and BOTH are yours ;)

the card on the right has nothing wrong with it... that line on the top right is from the scanner....

the one is a stadium seat of the old KINGDOME and the other is /249

Sick cards Allen..but again I need only autos..and not only that I dont have anything in my bucket that is worth $100 bucks + for one of those.. the only offer I would give you for the one with the tiger stripes would be you pick $250 BV worth of hockey gu/autos out of my Bucket and I would throw in $100 BV worth of inserts on top of that..LMK
I might can get you a signed picture. His mom used to work at the Agency that I work at so Lmk if you are interested