alex smith's the last month


Bench Warmer
funny once he started sucking i started landing a lot of cards very cheap. i don't want him to suck but i don't mind picking up cards from high end products for around $21 dlvd

I got :

2007 Exquisite Auto/2 color patch 13/25
2007 Ultimate Collection 4 color patch 39/99
2007 Exquisite 5 and 3 color patches 18/30 and 29/30


and I doubt i've shared these with you guys. I FINALLY got a Drew Exquisite rookie patch. been after one for a LONG time but they always ended at WAY more than i wanted to spend. local card shop had one and i couldn't resist when they were going for $350+ on ebay. picked it up for $250


oops the other card is this years Prestige #5/10
i slept with the Drew next to my bed for a week because i was afraid someone was going to steal it, not that anyone knew i had it. if i could have figured out how to put it under my pillow and not smack myself in the head with the case since i fluff my pillows all the time, i would have
Nice Alex Smith cards. The exquisites always look very nice. Great low numbered prestige pickup. Then you got Jones-Drew Exquisite. Great steal at the price. Those are all great pickups.
ive never really 'followed' exquisite auto patches or patches, but if you are getting a drew who is one of the top 5 cards out of the set for about 2/3 what a box is going for you did well