25 cent card blowout


Bench Warmer
Every card on this list is .25 shipping is below i will be adding a lot more but no sure when need to clean some cards out would like to have pay pal payment

1-10 cards 2.00

11 or more cards 3.00

Insert List in order by player last name:


Hank Arron:

1991 Upperdeck baseball heroes #19 (X2)

Jeff Bagwell:

1991 Leaf Gold rookies #149

1992 donruss gallery of stars #GS7

1992 ultra award winners #3

1994 Fleer award winner #2

1997 Collectors choice the big show #24

1998 topps power brokers #PB8

1999 upperdeck power rally #P7

1999 upperdeck mvp power surge #P12

2000 upperdeck holographix longball legacy #LL3

2001 SPX foundations #F2

2004 upperdeck super sluggers #SL14

Albert Belle:

1996 topps profiles #3

1998 Pinnacle yard work #3

1998 pacific hoem run heroes #5

1999 finest hank arron contenders #HA4

Barry bonds:

2002 Fleer Carrer highlghts #BB4

2002 Fleer career highlihts #BB3

2005 topps home run history #BB677

2005 topps home run history #BB731

Lou brock:

2001 topps american pie Profiles in courage #PIC2

Miguel Cabrera :

2004 upperdeck world series heroes #WS18

2004 upperdeck power up #63

Jose Canseco:

1992 fleer all stars #24

1996 Bowmans best Refractor #57

1998 Pacific home run heroes #6

Roger clemens:

1991 Fleer all star team #10

1992 fleer smoke and heat #4

1999 upperdeck ovation curtain call #R5

2000 skybox dominion double play w/ maddux #DP6

2002 upperdeck year of the record #730

2003 upperdck superstars magic moments #MM3 (X2)

2005 topps total award winners #AW3

Joe Dimaggio:

2007 Topps 61 game hit streak game 1 #JDSF 1 (pending)

Jim Edmonds:

2002 upperdeck plus #UD54 215/1125

Andres galaraga:

1998 upperdeck decade wonder years #WY7

2004 topps hit parade #HP14

Nomar Garciaparra:

1997 pinnacle complete players #9B

1998 upperdeck wonder years #Wy8

1999 upperdeck mvp swing time #S6

1999 invincible sandlot heres #5

1999 upperdeck special report #526

2000 fleer tradition dividends #D11

2000 pacific crown collection latinos of the majors #4

2002 upperdeck big league break down #BL5

2004 upperdeck super sluggers #SL22

Jason giambi:

2002 upperdeck big league breakdown #BL11

Vlad guerrero:

1999 topps all topps mystery finest #M25 (Pending)

1999 Crown Royle pillars of the game #12

1999 upperdeck MVP Dynamics #D10

2002 topps record breakers #RB-VG

2002 absolute memorbillia team tandems w/ jose vidro #TT-17 (X2)

tony gwynn:

2000 upperdeck ovation curtain call #CC6

2000 skybox eticket #ET9

Rickey henderon:

1991 leaf golden moments record steal #BC26

Todd heton:

1998 Upperdeck MVp Scouts Choice #SC10

1998 Leaf rookies and stars Home run derby #10 763/2500

1999 Skybox Thunder Unleashed #9

2000 bowman Early Indication #E7

2002 upperdeck hitting for the cycle #H20

2002 Fleer throwbacks Grass roots #GR6

2003 upperdeck superstar keys to the city W/ Patrick roy #K6

2005 topps total total Production #TP-TH

Abrey Huff:

2004 upperdeck vintage 3d sluggers #367

Reggie Jackson:

1990 upperdeck Baseball heroes #5

2001 upperdeck retro super powers #Sp1

Randy Johnson:

1997 score all score team #18

2000 topps league leaders w/ pedro #464

Andruw Jones:

1997 Score Complete Players #8B

1997 Flair Showcase row 2 #1

1999 fleer sports illustrated headliners #HL23

2001 SPX Foundatons #F5

2002 upperdeck the cashe for 755 #C2

2002 Donruss fan club Franchise features #FF-08

2003 upperdeck masters with the leather #L2

2005 playoff prestige prestigiuos pros #PP85 898/900

Chipper jones:

1998 upperdeck retro Time Capsule #TC32

1998 collcetors choice starquest #SQ6

1999 upperdeck 10th aniversary team #X4

1999 upperdeck mvp power surge #P8

1999 Invincible seismic Force #2

2000 upperdeck ovation lead performers #LP9

2000 Fleer traditio Dividends #D4

2001 upperdeck big Fly Zone #Z10

2003 upperdeck mvp Cleebration #MVP74

2003 upperdeck supperior sluggers #S2

2003 Fleer tradition lumber company #LC10

Greg Maddux:

1993 ultra award winners #22 (X2)

1993 ultra top glove #1 (X2)

1995 fleer all star w/ jimmy key

1995 ultra all star #12

1997 upperdeck star atractions #SA18

1999 stadium club never compramise #NC4

1999 topps chrome lords of the diamond #LD15

2001 upperdeck championship calliber #CC6

2003 upperdeck masers with leather #L3

Pedro Martinez:

2001 upperdeck sweet spot players party #PP10

2002 upperdeck superstar keys to the city w/ Tom Brady #K5

2002 upperdeck return of the ace #RA3

2002 topps record breakers #RB-PM

Ruben Mateo:

1999 Bowman chrome refractor diamond aces #DA5

Don Mattingly:

1988 fleer headliners #1

1991 fleer provisions #11

Mark Mcgwire:

1999 crown royal home run histoy #21

Maglio Ordonez:

2002 Fleer genuine Bats incredible #BI16

2004 upperdeck power up shining through #ST20

Andy Pettite:

2004 donruss studio studio stars #SS4

Manny ramirez:

1995 fleer provision #6

1995 sp platinum powers #PP15

1996 upperdeck dimond destiny #DD17

1997 score complete player #10B

1997 collctors chice all star #15

2001 upperdeck greatest hits#GH7

2002 fleer tradition lumber company #LC8

2005 topp total foil #300

Cal Ripken Jr:

1990 fleer all stars #8

1999 incredible sandlot heroes #4

2002 upperdeck header heroes #HHCR

Frank Robinson:

2003 topps record Breakers #RB-FR

Ivan rodriguez:

1992 Pinnacle team 2000 #8

1997 Donrus silver Press proof #17 1/1500

1998 upperdeck 10th anniversary team #X12

1999 upperdeck retro distant replay #D14

1999 upperdeck ovation curtain calls #R19

2004 Donruss Studio studio Stars #SS22

Scott rolen:

1998 Skybox thunder Boss 98 B18

1998 metal Universe universal language #UL20

1998 Pinnacle Lastingmemories #6

2003 topps total topps total #TT41

2003 Fleer Platinum Guts and Glory #GG3

2004 Topps All Stars #TAS20

Nolan Ryan:

1990 upperdeck baseball heroes #12

1990 upperdeck baseball heroes #14

1991 score cooperstown card #B7

1993 donruss career salute special edition #1

Ryn Sandberg:

1997 ultra Top 30 #20

Alfonso soriano:

2004 upperdeck power up shinning through #ST55

Sammy Sosa:

1999 skybox thunder web brouser #WB9

1999 upperdeck holographics launchers #L3

1999 uppereck ovationcurttain calls #R2

2000 spx foundations #F10

2000 Sp authentic home run history #HR2

2003 donruss champions total game#TG25

2004 topps grudge match W/ corkey miller #GM10

Warren Spahn:

2004 upperdeck Famous Quotes #Q18

2004 sweet spot classic famous first #159 139/1958

Willie Stargell:

1998 fleer sports illistrated mvp collection #MC3

Jim thome:

1999 ud choice starquest #SQ30

Honus Wagner:

2005 upprdeck espn sports century #SC14

Larry walker:

1997 Pinnacle hit it here #1

2000 Upperdeck oation curtain call #CC17

Jered Weaver:

2003 upperdeck national pride #USA6

Ted williams:

1991 upperdeck baseball heroes #30

Dontrell Willis:

Dave winfield:

1994 fleer golden Moment #3

Barry Zito:

2002 topps own the game #OG24 (Pending)

Dual Inserts:

1999 Topps finest Split Screen travis Lee / Pat Burrell #SS14

2001 Fleer platimun Classic Combinations wllie mays/ernie banks #CC24 988/1000