Baseball 2014 Topps High Tek


From a pack deep in the north country...
Transactions: 2
2014 Topps High Tek

Per Box items:
1 pack
8 cards
1 on card autograph

The 53 cards in the set are acetate. The card fronts feature a color action shot of the player superimposed over one of several different backgrounds. The fronts also contain the player name, position and team logo. The card fronts are trimmed in a complementary team color. The card backs have a zoomed in cropped picture of the player, 2013 and career statistics. The card in the set are not numbered, rather they have the HT prefix and then the players initials.

What I pulled:
8 unique cards, no duplicates
2 base weave backgrounds
2 spiral backgrounds
1 maze background
1 gold parallel #/99
1 cracked ice parallel #/75
1 on card autograph

Base and parallel backgrounds:

Serial numbered parallels:
Teheran Gold #/99
Mussina Cracked Ice #/75

The Hit:
Taveras autograph


Topps (High) Tek is back! Second only to Finest, Tek is my favorite set. The is a reboot of the very popular line form the late 1990's. There are several background patterns to collect if one wants to chase the master set. All told there are only 6 different non-serial numbered background variations unlike the nightmare 80 cards X 80 different backgrounds set from 1998. I really like the mix of retired stars and current players. The on-card auto looks great. High Tek will appeal to set collectors mostly.

The Bottom Line:
I give 2014 Topps High Tek a buy rating. It will be a little of a challenge and some expense to chase the parallel sets. Buy a box and trade your Rickey Henderson and Tigers cards to me!

The Final Score:
Final Ratings (Out of 5):
Base set collect-ability: NA
Big-hit Hunter: 3/5
Prospector Hunter: 4/5
Overall Design: 5/5
Fun: 5/5
Value: 4/5
Re-buy: 4/5
Overall Quality: 4/5

Overall: 29/35 (82%) = B

Thanks to Topps for making this review possible!

Nice break Tim. I can use that Teheran gold and the braves and Phillies base you got in the break. Don't have Tigers but I got some Lions. Ebron Platinum die cut, Ebron Platinum xfractor, and Kyle Van Noy Chrome Pulsar xfractor off the top of my head. have a ton of chrome base too, probably some Topps and maybe Platinum too.
Nice break Tim. I can use that Teheran gold and the braves and Phillies base you got in the break. Don't have Tigers but I got some Lions. Ebron Platinum die cut, Ebron Platinum xfractor, and Kyle Van Noy Chrome Pulsar xfractor off the top of my head. have a ton of chrome base too, probably some Topps and maybe Platinum too.

Send me a SASE with enough postage for the cards and they are yours.