2012 Topps QB Immortals - WANTED!

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NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
closing this out! all cards are incoming! yeah!

QIBG Griese
QIBS Starr
QIDM Marino
QISJ Jurgenson
QISY Young

Check out my postings in the football forum for traders.. posting up quite a few pickups from the last Card Show!
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I have Kelly.

what are you looking for in return? and would probably be best if we did it as a PWE trade.. or we can hold off and see what else I picked up (and have been posting) to see if we can work out a larger trade.
cheap old timer insert or A.Rodgers,Brady insert. I have Plunkett also.

First.. yeah! Plunkett!!!! I did receive that in the junk box, but my father is an old time raider fan... so I passed it on to him.

Second... read my previous posting... let's see what we can do... check out my recent threads from the last 24 hours. thanks!
PWE, no machine is how I will send. Post up and I will confirm Mon. I will send out Tues.
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