Football 2008 football heros


Bench Warmer
I lookin buy two cases of 2008 upperdeck heros I usally buy from blowout cards is anywere else might find these cases cheaper?
Atm it is around $1080-$1100 prices allways vary every day I just want hit when price on this product would be at it low would like get few cases around $2k if able.
Let me check my distributors, and I will let you know tonight!

Also, how are you planning on paying? PayPal, MO, CC?
Thanks for tryin on price going wait out see Blowout does. It seem like past products go down certain amount just go up from there. Like Prestige bought a case $900 month ago right before short print list was release and atm up $1300 a case I think this product going be same way with so many good auto per case hits.
4 main rc autos and 1 super duper star auto per case.... seems like a great bust

Super “A” signatures falling approximately 1 per case

Barry Sanders
Adrian Peterson
Brett Favre
Dan Marino
Jim Brown
Peyton Manning
John Elway
Ladainian Tomlinson
Tony Romo
Eli Manning

Super “A” Rookie Signatures falling approximately 4 per case:

Felix Jones
Yup why I going bust two cases just tryin find best price at right time. I will use many dupes for ttm auto.
Neas said:
Thanks for tryin on price going wait out see Blowout does. It seem like past products go down certain amount just go up from there. Like Prestige bought a case $900 month ago right before short print list was release and atm up $1300 a case I think this product going be same way with so many good auto per case hits.

no problem. If their price doesn't come down, just let me know. Mine very rarely changes.
Blowout is up $1200 per case today I found another guy talk to on Tues had cases for sale and his price was $1070 if I got two. You think good deal or just wait it out tell demand of product goes down then hopefuly blowout have it cheaper in a few weeks.
Anyone heard of ATL Sport Cards? I thinkin buyin my cases from them they have them sale atm if buy two cases $1070 per.