2007 National Treasures

Poopy Pants

Bench Warmer
This year will feature on card rookie autographs, however, I assume the jersey swatches will be event used instead of game used. So here is the question. Would you rather have a game used swatch with a sticker autograph, or an even used swatch with an on card autograph?

I liked the fact that alot of last years rookies were game used, especially of players who didnt attend the photo shoot. So if Donruss were to add additional players with game used swatches, I would have to go with sticker autographs.
Accountability by the card companies in keeping materials to actual game worn rather than event worn and manufactured patches is something I wish would be mandatory, but unfortunately the market has proven that any wicked multi-color patch sells equally as well no matter it's original.

I would take the on card auto with any kind of patch rather than a sticker of the game worn. I'm a sell out that way. Pretty soon companies will just use any jersey even if the player has never seen it because sales prove we don't actually care. Keeping the autos on card is more important to me. The hobby has become an auto driven focus and jersey cards are just filler now.
Just a different way of looking at it:

There is not much differance between an Event Jersey and on card auto. They are both touched by the athlete for like 5 seconds. ;)
The autograph is more important to me than the jersey piece. I'd rather have an autographed card than a card with an autograph attached.
I think National Treasures looks like the best rookie this year. As far as the whole game worn event worn doestn't matter as much to me as the on card to sticker graph. So I say bring it on with the on card auto.
Doesn't matter at all to me. As long as a few of my scrubs make a set, I don't care if it's "Shower Used Toenail Clippings". As long as their on a trading card, it's kosher to me. :salut: