2003 Press Pass Bronze auto set... COMPLETE (finally)!


Bench Warmer
Let me take you back in time. The 2003 NFL Draft has just wrapped up, and I just can't help myself. I dive headfirst back into card collecting, something I haven't done since the early 90s. First boxes to bust, Press Pass. I was intrigued by this college-themed product. I went nuts and bought 6 boxes of Press Pass, and 4 of Press Pass SE. I loved the look of the large, on-card autos that I pulled, and found that I had about 30 of 64 bronze autos in the set (including some of the big names from this year, Palmer, McGahee, Boldin, etc. I decided to track down the rest of the cards and build the set...

Fast forward to the present. I've been 1 card shy of finally finishing off the set. For years, I could not locate the elusive 'Larry Johnson Bronze auto'. I had found the serial #d silver and gold versions, but no bronze.

Believing it to be seriously short-printed, I wrote an email to Press Pass Customer support, pleading with them to tell me if the card was indeed shortprinted. I got a response the next morning - no answer on whether the card was a shortprint, but rather the Director of Marketing said that he would send me the card I needed, compliments of Press Pass. It arrived today, and so I was obligated to scan the entire set and share with you all. And so without further adieu... the set 5 years in the making -

















Its good to finally finish this project. I absolutely love this set, and how large the autos are compared to so many other auto sets. Now I just wish I had an 8 x 8 frame built by Bud to show them off in.
Great gesture by Press Pass. Congrats on completing the set. Looks great and seems like it was a long journey.
Wow, talk about great customer service!!! Kinda makes you wonder why they had one ready to send, but very cool nonetheless. Congrats on finishing the set!!!!

Oh, and hi, Jon!!! Where the hell have you been?!?!?
as stated, really cool move by press pass, cant believe you still needed a superstar one and that one never popped up on feepay
that set is a thing of beauty. There is no better feeling in collecting that completing a set like that!

Very very cool of them, always great to finish a set & wipe that search list off your favorites.

As to a frame I'll talk to Santa & we'll see if you've been naughty or nice ;) .
Very very cool of them, always great to finish a set & wipe that search list off your favorites.

As to a frame I'll talk to Santa & we'll see if you've been naughty or nice ;) .

You damn well better not do anything without first receiving $$$ from me first! Got it? :salut:

Besides, Santa will tell you I've been a rotten anyways.
Thanks all.

It was truly a classy move from Press Pass. It would be nice if the big 3 would take note. I won't hold my breath though...

Hopefully, I'll have some time to post a few more of my sets.