1st of the month new listings / National pickups


Transactions: 1

finally got some new listings, so I got some of the stuff I picked up at The National listed, as well as some recent snags...wont be listing anything else tonight, but the rest of the week I should be using the rest of my 50 free on listings...ill be doing more Stadium Club 1st Day football, and likely a 'pick em' Bowman Chrome refractor listing, as well as a Topps Chrome one, as I figured out how to put 50 cards in a single listing...

trying to refresh the coin I dropped in July with some old scarce stuff...
I've been selling a little for a while now.Can you tell me why I have such a hard time with a$$holes that when a bid and do not pay? It's exasperating,and it's always the nickel and dime stuff...Not the pricier ones.I just do not understand at all!
I have a long list of blocked buyers...anytime that I have to file a non-paying bidder (I think its 4 days from win) I just go ahead and block them...I also set strict buyer restrictions where if they have any non-paying strikes on them they cant bid, and I think a few other things, so I have a more limited buyers pool...

if you sell via Buy It Now id suggest Free Shipping and Require Immediate Payment...

I get super annoyed with slow paying people...I usually pay within an hour of winning, unless its an overnight thing, but even then im up by 5am...
FWIW - this is my current ebay blocked list...blocked by name, so ive had bad dealings with the following...either slow/no pay, known shills, sketchy bid history, lowballers and such..

*kingofcards, *purplemoonlight*, 09emilion2007, 1999nlmvp, 1d0c93c91c047ab0cc194601649eb22fc342e91c5879323429, 1dooder78, 1of1football, 1superelitegolfer, 2011downtime, 201thecardcollector, 2mairj3, 3timechamps11, 480suave06, 49ersince81, 53matt72, 5410brandon, 57corsairplanes, 58newyorker, 7367dave, 8353garry, 87chevysilverado, 8df9b2c6d38780d5329212c57496a454a85ea46d5d444442749, 9034b85295644dbf83608a96d5c70a76719093242, 97518e70520143ecc342e91c58452bb61160668736, 999silverandgoldbuyer, aaronatwell2011, adam-12!, adkinstrent, adnohornets23, allabouttheskins, andrewrguy, andydaltoncollector, andydufresnesr, arizona_sports_cards, armysoldier25d, ashleyo4338, astillbr72, auto-rcs, baltimorebirdcage, bamafaninindy, baseball3211, baseballu.s.a., basesloaded2012, beauhallie, besautographs, besportscards, biddick5, bigdaddy280, bigdog9910, bighenniehen, billsfan34, billyboy0315, bkryche, bobdigital81, bodyslammer74, boomcity_kickz, breemdog, brewerb1, brin.kell, bryonrusso, burho.burho, burishc47, bus035, candeemann, capt.trips, cardfan808, cardshooter, caribbeanblonde4, carthage44, ccarpenter0226, chea1811, cheyanne0070, chicbetty, circlingskies, cnuavenger, collectablecollector, completelyvintage, coolcards30, cowboysheaven, cowboysnumber1, crazyoja08, creditsheriff, cris333p, cromartie3145, cruzinhi, crzyjess1984, csinvestigator, ctownsellers, dallas2760, danielrichter2010, dannygleason1951, davdavihatf, davidct2007, desireenjeremey, dewpugg, diecastandy1, diehard1918, dolphinsrule, donace56, doncoufal, dp231541, dynamite53333, elgato7664, elitesc, elliot1179, ericpslette47, esalescontact, eyvicito, fightterps, flboats4salemichael, floridasportsconnection1, fool5583, footballcardfanatic, frenchfriesguys1, garbage_dog, garybear4173, georgelovesautos78, gilas_pilipinas, greenthumb5025, grisagran, harjb137, hery08010801, hillj0278, hit6man0, hockeytape1, hottiepoladi, hull16rw, ilovepink31, iluvsandi, in4red, inktastic, inthegamecards2005, iron_city_collectibles, j_briden, j_rigs, jadebaka, jaggsportsbreaks, jak_sensi, jcndfan002, jcrau20002, jdp5587, jfrench91, jimmygaroppolo, jnew76, joan1173, joe458321, johansen911, johnafonso1, jpt26usa, jshearer200868, justirope_1, kaitlyn1990, karecon, karenelwess36, kathykards, kevrich92, king_of_rookies, kinzuajeep, klmjpgb14, kmjaramillo, kmmartinvestments, koolkat39, kttut, largepun, laugh612, lca1087, lcl2121, lee8714, legalcheryl, lgpatlaw, littlemonstersdad, lj24king, lljkmt, louisianaboy1976, lovecraftylove, lovemyash4, lsutiger0310, lz1069p, magicmagic2009, marinofan123487, marsanch_aobnjpcsh, martinmvp, massappeels, mastakilla46, mastermark11, mattingly4232, mattressplanet4, mccards23, mcsub1546, meech195108, member369841, metsfan1313, metsfan7979, mfgmma, michiganturkeyhunting, midwestlistings, mikeaustin4678, mikesallfootball, moebasketball, mooon22, mountainlover34, movaj, mr.bks, mrg_2005, mutigers2010, mw1, myauctionsales1, myboyz45, myownresto, nats0584, ndiddy78, nera20, nich_buy_and_sell, nicksbaseballcards, niner, nmsu-unm, nobmanini, novacardsfwm, nycardsdirect, nymet-86, oddballandy10, pab5942.fw658m, packerman13, papakon51, patrickbasketball7, paydirtsports83, peacelove069, penske1, pfeil_to, popsolestuff, powerseller9999, ppeepo, premiumvintage-goods, prospectnvstr, questelmo04, rand_man, rareautograph, rayman0009, razhot, recognize62, rgvalleycards, rigorous1, rjbigsky, rksportsandcollectibles, robertntanya2007, robertslat, rocnydeals, rods_cards, roll-jay, romleyjs, ronwhittle.480, ruffelton2, runningtiger13, sabzfan, saleens7saleen, salsbobs, samuel602, sashathecat2003, scalpem96, schultzjordan9802012, scorpionlotus, seehawkswin, sell401ks, serendipity_on_7th, sgallierjr84, shadow82rns, shan7_22, simonasian, sjmcollectibles, sk5677, skotie1963, slickhobby, smgcs, smoney859, soelman1, sorral_ybxtae3x, spiritsports, sports_memorabilia_etc, sportsfan-or-nut, sportssigned160, ssshazam, stang289gt65, steelcurtaincollector, steelerguy91, stlstu, sunshinemang76, super-sells-usa, suzanne4ever41, taylor987, terrapins56, the_marys_community_thrift_store, thebatman1977, thedoz1, theedge3218, theespyfam, thefuture-2008, thejoker4life, thepoz31, therealjwil, thesilverfoxcollectibles, thesportscardguys, tide381, tigermu94a3xx, toddzcardz, tonybromo420, topladyseller1, touchdownsc3, tpfeiler98, udaman2, unc_blue_15, us2015_dewe, verl20, vijulia1760, visions721, wagnergroup, wakingbake, watts078, wavluver, wdmmoviesandcards_2, west48pete, whi0942_2wzmqi, wisc_badgers, wiscographs, wiscokidus, wonderbread2309, wrestling_stuff-n-collectibles, yesrandom, zeller1021, zionhoops
ive been around for awhile...those are just the 'active' ones...had a couple rows of folks that got deleted accounts, so I cleared them out...I really wish sellers could leave negative feedback on buyers who fail to pay...that is one of the biggest flaws in their feedback system right now
got another promo, so building listings again today...

so far, not much, these multi-listings take time

thus far only got 2012 Topps Chrome XFractor Football done

currently working on some 2012 Topps Summer Olympic insert multi-listings and have plans for 2012 Topps Chrome Refractors, 2011 Topps Chrome XFractor and Refractor

also re-ran my previously built multi-listings and did some sorting...yuck
2017 Leaf Ultimate Draft listed...with a box you got into a raffle for Conor McGreggor vs Floyd Mayweather dual auto /5, must be present to win...I didn't win, but yeah, I didn't do too bad, Davis Webb, Dalvin Cook, Brad Kaaya...
I think ive bought 2 bollers so far this year, and I know ive sold more than that...I haven't searched for him in a couple weeks...really the only active searches ive been doing are Olympic involved...my football knowledge severely declined since I worked pretty much every sunday for the last season and a half of football...maybe my mood will change now that I have sundays off, but for now its mostly just Olympic buying to go with those 2014 Panini Country Music cases ive been busting (pulled an Alabama Triple AU /25 last case that should fetch me $200+), and selling off football...

id guess I have under 1500 autos at home now, I sent a bunch to COMC, sold a bunch in bulk...but my cash profit for the year is through the roof, even with busting the 3 cases of Country Music and going to The National for 2 days
what's up with E-Bay ? I haven't gotten any promotional offers this month and I finally have all my ducks in a row :/