07 Sage Aspire break



The good...


Ten Ginn Jr Date & Place Game Progam/Ticket Swatch card 9/20
Steve Smith auto
Trent Edwards auto
Craig Davis Century Club Auto 74/100 (spots are from the sleeve, not the sticker. I didn't notice them til after I scanned it, and I'm too lazy to do it again)

The bad...

The coalation on the 5 star inserts SUCKS!!! I got two of every one I pulled.

Adrian Peterson "AD, All Day"
Marshawn Lynch "All Around Threat"
Brady Quinn "Irish MVP"
Brady Quinn "Sophmore Sensation"
JaMarcus Russell "Superbowl MVP"
JaMarcus Russell "Alabama's Mr Football"

Also, the stated odds arent anything close to what you actually pull, apart from the autos and swatches. Century Club cards are suppsoed to be 1:2, I pulled 25 from 24 packs. 5 Star inserts are supposed to be 1:6, I pulled 12 (though only six different ones). Draft Day inserts are supposed to be 1:10, I only pulled one. Still, with that Ginn card, I'm not complaining.
Looks like a very solid break, the Ginn is freakin' sweet :cheers:....still wish you would've done a live one for added excitement though;)
not bad lmk if you wana move the ginn.. also did you get any john beck base?

I got both the Beck base and the Century Club insert... you need 'em both?

I'm tempted to put the Ginn on ebay... two weeks ago a program only swatch went for $20, and it'd help defer some of the money I dropped today. But believe it or not, I've never sold a card on ebay before, and I'm afraid if I started it'd become a habit. So I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather listen to trade offers.
I got both the Beck base and the Century Club insert... you need 'em both?

I'm tempted to put the Ginn on ebay... two weeks ago a program only swatch went for $20, and it'd help defer some of the money I dropped today. But believe it or not, I've never sold a card on ebay before, and I'm afraid if I started it'd become a habit. So I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather listen to trade offers.

yea i need them both. Check my site on the ginn and lmk thanks