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  1. Gottabe

    Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - January - COMPLETE

    Nice Break, no base for me. The you tube seemed to work pretty well.
  2. Gottabe

    Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - August - COMPLETE

    Just the auto please. If you want to just wait and send with hits from the next break instead of sending 1 card, I'm fine with that. Thanks for the break.
  3. Gottabe

    Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - August - COMPLETE

    Technically it is "her night" but it allows me to have my night as well. Dice night Ship's Captain and Crew at the Fleet Reserve for those that know the game.
  4. Gottabe

    Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - August - COMPLETE

    That's cool for me, as I finally managed to get back to logged in on this site. I'll likely catch the recap as it's Mama's night out choice, and leaving shortly.
  5. Gottabe

    Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break April - COMPLETE

    Chris, as usual just give me the lowest alphabetically listed team at draft time.
  6. Gottabe

    Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break April - COMPLETE

    In with a draft slot also
  7. Gottabe

    Football 2017 National Treasures FB Casebreakers Group Case Break - COMPLETE

    Perfect timing lull at work. :D Too bad my computer and phone aren't "smart" enough to run the video player for that site. Good luck everyone.
  8. Gottabe

    Football 2017 National Treasures FB Casebreakers Group Case Break - COMPLETE

    That's cool, have a safe trip. See ya in a week.
  9. Gottabe

    Football 2017 National Treasures FB Casebreakers Group Case Break - COMPLETE

    Guessing delivery didn't happen, been some crazy weather out there.
  10. Gottabe

    Football 2017 National Treasures FB Casebreakers Group Case Break - COMPLETE

    Been having computer issues, just purchased GC's and hit the "send to" C'mon blowout, I had to buy 3 different cards (n)
  11. Gottabe

    Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - February - COMPLETE

    Didn't work for me, I'll catch the recap. Good Luck everyone.
  12. Gottabe

    Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - February - COMPLETE

    Really? How can I be "online" and not logged in. Internet is getting **********************
  13. Gottabe

    Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - February - COMPLETE

    See ya there, Good Luck everyone.
  14. Gottabe

    Football Boxbreakers Hobby FB Group Break - February - COMPLETE

    Dropping the Seahawks and Steelers, I'll pick up a draft slot though.
  15. Gottabe

    Football 2017 Donruss Optic FB Casebreakers Group Case Break - COMPLETE

    No base or for me. Thanks for the break, it was nice until my computer didn't want me to watch anymore.
  16. Gottabe

    Football 2017 Donruss Optic FB Casebreakers Group Case Break - COMPLETE

    ok, I'll get the GC in the morning and out to ya when it clears.
  17. Gottabe

    Football 2017 Donruss Optic FB Casebreakers Group Case Break - COMPLETE

    oops didn't read your post on dolphins, let's go Falcons.