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  1. LindaKay

    Max Scherzer tells the Tigers "No Deal"?

    No kidding, right? I'll be an agent if it pays out that well. I'll look out for my players AND me lol
  2. LindaKay

    My Carolina Panthers PC

    There's always time. I hate it when things move more slowly than you think they should. :/ Hopefully things will come together like you want them to in time.
  3. LindaKay

    Baseball cards at a police auction

    Oh yeah, duh. You meant a police auction where someone's stuff had been taken when they got arrested or something...ugh...ignore the blonde moment! Anyway, it could have been in the person's house or car when they got arrested, I'm guessing.
  4. LindaKay

    Baseball cards at a police auction

    That is sort of interesting. I never would have thought about looking in such places myself, but it makes sense. People donate stuff that they wouldn't otherwise donate to these types of charities and causes, so who knows what you'll find...including baseball and other sports cards!
  5. LindaKay

    Card Collecting - Harmless Hobby of Youth or Gateway To Gambling

    EXACTLY. We have a 65-inch television. We carefully planned for it, decided where we were going to purchase it from, decided how much we could spend and planned on how we were going to pay for it. That's fine. I didn't go and snap it up because I was bored one day. That would have been wrong...
  6. LindaKay

    My Carolina Panthers PC

    I'm sorry to hear that your business hasn't been going as well as you had hoped. You should still try to make it here to NC as soon as possible! When you do, you and your family should hit me up...I'm not too far away from Charlotte! :)
  7. LindaKay

    Racing So the price is now set if another driver wants to 'hook' a fellow driver

    Whew! That's crazy! Well...fights are not a very adult thing to do, much less when you're in the spotlight...
  8. LindaKay

    Racing Tell me if I am wrong, but.....

    Exactly, but you have to understand that everyone is "sue happy" nowadays. You know how it is. People get salt in their paper cuts while eating fries at McDonald's and are ready to sue the corporation for pain and suffering. Get outta here....
  9. LindaKay


    Whew! If I had that kind of money, I would buy a house with it! That's insane!
  10. LindaKay

    Card Collecting - Harmless Hobby of Youth or Gateway To Gambling

    I don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with spending a bit more on a special card. There's a difference between planning for the purchase and just sporadically spending tons of money on cards, ya know?
  11. LindaKay is "blowing out" boxes this weekend!

    Yeah, I really only buy them when I can get a good price. I like collecting cards, but I'm not trying to go broke over it.
  12. LindaKay

    Basic Topps "Type Set" Baseball Project Idea

    I think that's a pretty cool idea. It sounds easy but fun. Shouldn't be TOO expensive either if you're skipping the really valuable cards.
  13. LindaKay

    My Carolina Panthers PC

    I do have a hoodie as well. I love my hoodie -- it's so warm. But it's white and I've had it for a long time, so it's not as pretty as it used to be. I need to get another one for next fall.
  14. LindaKay

    Basketball Carmelo Anthony Isn't Considering Leaving Knicks

    I don't think there is anything wrong with him staying with the Knicks. It's a team that he feels comfortable with and at home with. I always have a tough time understanding how some athletes seem to trade so easily, so this is actually a breath of fresh air for me.
  15. LindaKay

    "Chewing the baseball cards themselves would have been more appealing"

    I want to go! I'm a writer, so I will function quite nicely at compiling the information and writing a wonderfully entertaining article about it.
  16. LindaKay

    Basketball What's the most valuable NBA card in your collection?

    I'm guessing you're a Kobe fan, lol?! I think Kobe is amazing. I don't have many bball cards, so none of mine are really worth anything. They're worth the world to me, though!
  17. LindaKay

    Card Collecting - Harmless Hobby of Youth or Gateway To Gambling

    Phew....I do this for fun, not to go broke. I can't imagine dedicating that much money to cards, no matter how much I love them. I guess it all depends on your budget, though.
  18. LindaKay

    My Carolina Panthers PC

    Oooh! I can't wait to see them! Love my Panthers! I have three jerseys but only a handful of cards.
  19. LindaKay

    Just Finished a Major Football Card Project!!!

    You have some amazing cards. Plus, you're so organized! I'm embarrassed to admit that mine aren't organized enough for me to post here lol.
  20. LindaKay

    Max Scherzer tells the Tigers "No Deal"?

    Wow, he's crazy. I would have taken that deal in a heartbeat. He's gotten too picky lol.