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  1. urbanmonk

    Things listed at SCD for sale

    Mostly Hockey but some other sports too, listed some new ones today:
  2. urbanmonk

    Pinnacle Threads Patch #6/10

    Nice pickup, sweet card.
  3. urbanmonk

    Cree is now aboard!

    Welcome aboard :)
  4. urbanmonk

    Mail Day 03-04 Buyback Auto Mail

    Nice Paul :)
  5. urbanmonk

    Football College Football thread

    Well that was an ugly win, 13 penalties for 119 yards. 1 Turnover to Portland State with 5, otherwise they may have started the season losing to a lower division team again this year. Some promise but lots of things for them to work on this week before going to play Hawaii at Hawaii next week.
  6. urbanmonk

    My 264 Collection

    Nice stuff Bob. Must have quite a few by now.
  7. urbanmonk

    Football College Football thread

    Start a thread for College Football talk, general thoughts, thoughts about your Team etc......the usual rules, fine to be a "homer" but no "trolling" and all that nonsense (a little rivalry banter is fine within limits ;) ). Oregon State's first game today (home) against Portland State (even on...
  8. urbanmonk

    after a week stuck at the post office

    Nice pickup, some of those sell for crazy prices.
  9. urbanmonk

    Mail Day Long Summer Mail

    Nice stuff.... those Acetate YGs are a tough pull congrats.
  10. urbanmonk

    Panini Rocks!!!

    I think if it was PC as in this case very few would complain, that or I'm the oddball ;).....but yeah I'm happy with it (extra bonus as a North Stars one), can't even remember the FB player it was a signed picture for but I'd take this over almost any Rookie I hadn't heard of or ones I have...
  11. urbanmonk

    13-14 Prime Mail Day!

    Nice stuff Paul, getting a stack of Wings here again, going to have to PM you a list soon and see which ones you have already ;) :lol:
  12. urbanmonk

    Panini Rocks!!!

    It has a Panini Authentic Signature sticker on the back of the puck. He was part of their VIP party thing at Fall Expo in Toronto last year (buy so much product and you got into party), saw pictures on their site of him signing those and other things.
  13. urbanmonk

    Panini Rocks!!!

    Went to go take a nap and my son brought in a package from Fed Ex.......Had a redemption from a Silver Pack from National of some Football player I never heard of (can't even recall his name). I contacted them via their website thru my account as had some regular redemptions to add in, they got...
  14. urbanmonk

    Football Seahawks Fined $300,000... So even the minimum is more than many of us make in 10 years. And I don't buy into the danger aspect as there are...
  15. urbanmonk

    Football Seahawks Fined $300,000...

    I suppose if it in the bargaining agreement they should be following it to a T, but not like they don't pay these guys pretty good (heck even the practice squad gets paid I think, and sure even they make more than most of us make ;) ) so guess I don't get the need for that in their agreement...
  16. urbanmonk

    look what the cat **** in

    thanks all :)
  17. urbanmonk

    Breaker4310 Mail day

    nice mail day
  18. urbanmonk

    Must Send First Restrictions for New Members

    Still getting used to format differences lol....ok first off sorry to dig up an older topic (also bear with me as little sleep as usual and I am known to wander off in thought), but a little insight to the reasoning/mentality behind it for sites that require that (being a Transaction Mod for...
  19. urbanmonk

    Prime time!!

    There is one just about like it on Ebay ending tomorrow I think, feel free to make me an offer on it, as you know I'm so hard to deal with and all ;) you were my first online transaction ever, over 7 years ago :)
  20. urbanmonk

    look what the cat **** in

    Nah!!!! that's my evil nemesis twin you know ;)