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    Vince McMahon dies????

    Zimmerman thanks for the advice but i never post here cause I dont even have cards. I just joined for the help of my friend who I wont mention. Duke whatever man. I can show you a clip where Stone Cold broke his neck at the hands of Steve Austin. I can show you a clip where Sabu broke his neck...
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    Vince McMahon dies????

    How are you going to tell me that professional wrestlers (ie TNA wrestlers and WWE wrestlers) are not great athletes? Name me one athlete who has the work load and schedule they have. They work 4 out of the 7 days a week and bust there *** doing it. There on the road 300 days a year. They do...
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    Vince McMahon dies????

    Umm is wasnt the youth who said stuff about him. It was celebrities and fellow wrestlers that said bad **** about him. And you wanna talk about role models? How about the baseball stars that are juiced, how about the football players that go to jail every other day, or how about the basketball...
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    Vince McMahon dies????

    If you've been following the whole show and the whole storyline around Vince McMahon you knew something was going to happen. He lost the ECW title and after that he went into a deep depression (his character now) and he went bipoloar (again his character). Also on last Fridays Smackdown he said...