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  1. R

    NFL Playoffs 2012

    Who's your Super Bowl matchup? I predicted Green Bay vs Baltimore with Green Bay taking it.
  2. R

    Transaction Manager

    I really like how Blowout does their transactions. No posting of the deal, just leaving feedback once both of the cards are received.
  3. R

    My Dallas Cowboys PC

    Sweet stuff! I remember that Romo & Montana funny business...good times :)
  4. R

    NFL Playoffs 2012

    I have Patriots to top the Broncos in a close one, 31-27. The Packers to squeeze it out against the Giants 30-27. The 49ers to topple the Saints 24-10. Last, the Ravens to destroy the Texans 31-10.
  5. R

    NFL Playoffs 2012

    You want Alabama -1.5 for $5 paypal? :) I got LSU +1.5
  6. R

    NFL Playoffs 2012

    Well, no trip to the LCS this month unless LSU helps me out tomorrow.
  7. R

    NFL Playoffs 2012

    I am, but every week I bet on him, he loses. So I figured I should switch it up this week, bad move...
  8. R

    NFL Playoffs 2012

    I have $50 on Pittsburgh -9 points...ouch...
  9. R

    NFL Playoffs 2012

    Who's your pick to win the Super Bowl? Who's your dark horse in the playoff race? I know it started yesterday, but I'm 3 for 3 so far in my picks. Hoping that Pitt can pull it out for me, so I can make it 4 for 4 on Wild Card weekend.
  10. R

    Jonathan Baldwin 2011 Certified Freshman Fabrics RC Auto/GU Redemption

    Just pulled fresh out a pack from the LCS, a Jonathan Baldwin 2011 Certified Football Freshman Fabrics Dual GU Auto Redemption. Looking to trade this for any nice trade bait. Shoot me a PM or leave a post here, and I'll get back with you.
  11. R

    Recent mail..

    Nice stuff so far, Mark. I'll have to make a mail thread of my own.
  12. R

    Mike from Texas

    Welcome and thanks for creating TCZ, Mike!
  13. R

    How did you hear about us?

    That's crazy, Mark! Some random guy told me that too...;)
  14. R

    Hockey What is your favorite hockey team?

    I'd have to say the Red Wings, but I rarely watch hockey at all.
  15. R

    What is your favorite baseball team?

    I used to be a Boston Red Sox fan, back when they won the World Series in 2004. About the Summer of 2005 I really started watching the Tigers, since they were on TV more in my area, and I became hooked. I'm now a die-hard Tigers fan, and go to a fair amount of their games each year.
  16. R

    Basketball What is your favorite basketball team?

    LeBron is my boy, so I'm a Heat fan. I find myself watching the Pistons a lot though. If you ever want to watch some horrible NBA basketball, find the Pistons channel.
  17. R

    Football What is your favorite football team?

    Detroit Lions! I was born, and still live in Michigan, so I bleed the honolulu Lions blue. I was glad to see us get to the playoffs this year for the first time since 1999 (a lot of pain and agony through those years). I was actually at the game vs the Chargers where we clinched the playoff...
  18. R

    Mail days?

    I'm planning on over running it as well ;). Once the site activity picks up, I think it'd be a good idea to make a separate section for mail days.
  19. R

    Glad to be back!

    I was an original member on the old TCZ, but I'm back to the newly improved TCZ! I personally love the new layout, and I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. Props to Michael for putting this back up. Let's spread the word and get these forums poppin'! Happy Trading! Trent