ufestor- I have the base card of jeter, thanks
hunter082- looking for about 60% of book for the Howard RC's, won't let them go very easy.
Southhwaks23- Looking for a 1 for 1 on this one, preferrably a letterman or one of the guys in my sig. LMK
I'm trying ut this new forum to help finish up my 07 Sp Authentic letterman master set.
I have HOF staus on the Bench and SCFun, as well as other and 217 POS on the bay. Looking for some good trades.
Looking to trade these extra letterman for lettermans I need from previous post, will also trade and sell Ryan Howards for lettermans. LMK
2006 SP Authentic Letterman Marcus Giles "G" #043/136 BV 30
2006 SP Authentic Letterman Josh Willingham "M" #17/75
2006 SP Authentic Letterman Josh...
I am new to this site but not new to trading as I have HOF status on the Bench (Yankees1) and Sportscardfun (Yankees#1), let me know if you can help. Thanks
I am trying for the master set of 2007 Sp authentic to include all 60 Rookie letterman autos. LMK what you have and what you need in...