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  1. racinghy

    Racing Anyone Know Anything About These Dale Sr Cards?

    Hey, it's something cool to hold on to. Maybe pass it on to your kids or nephews and maybe it is going to be worth something when they are older
  2. racinghy

    Looking for Nolan Ryan's I NEED!!!

    Yeah.........I'm gonna say I don't have them BUT he might have it in all the boxes of comics, coins, etc. in his storage room......which is extremely big, the room, and packed to the ceiling!
  3. racinghy

    Looking for Nolan Ryan's I NEED!!!

    Which ones from '73 are you looking for and I can give a look tonight!
  4. racinghy

    Looking for Nolan Ryan's I NEED!!!

    I think I have a base card from the '72 or '73 somewhere, got it from my uncle-in-law, he had a bunch of them from the '70s and I saw that in there
  5. racinghy

    Racing Press Pass 2014

    I hold on to mine to see(especially a rookie) and see how their performance was to see if I wanna keep it or sell it
  6. racinghy

    Racing Press Pass 2014

    I know someone who can use the Busch cards as well *cough* randy *cough* Nice hit though since it sounds like it was a redemption. I held onto my Stenhouse Jr. redemption until December 20th when I decided to send it in and I had it for 3 or so months
  7. racinghy

    Racing Anyone Know Anything About These Dale Sr Cards?

    It says it is gold I think, but probably the plating of it. Nice though, but I could not find the price as well
  8. racinghy

    All cards available aggravation

    One of my friends wanted to buy my base Ron Gronkouski card for $5. Wanna know why I didn't take it? It's just morally and ethically wrong. I am honest with people when it comes to stuff. As far as other cards and trading them, I am not quite sure of what their value might be so offer the ones...
  9. racinghy

    WTB/WTT for Austin Dyne Base and Auto Parallels

    Looking to create a rainbow of him, already have the Red version #'d/99 and I have a green(national exclusive) #'d/10. I need the silver, gold, and blue versions of the autographed version. I also need the following base card/parallel of Austin Dyne - Regular Base Card - Silver Foil #d to 25 -...
  10. racinghy

    Racing Really Press Pass... Montoya has an Autograph in the 2014 Release?

    He also is supposedly going to run a few races this upcoming season, that is what I heard. Hey, it would be a good idea to collect them since it his last card of his NASCAR career.
  11. racinghy

    Nice Nascar for Sale or Trade!

    I like the printing plate, i know I am like 6 months late, but would you still have it by any chance and what the price would be?
  12. racinghy

    Racing Press Pass 2014 Five Star - $540 per box !!!!!

    Yeah, but whoever gets the 1/1 Davey Allison cut auto will have their box paid for!