Somebody Won! Contest 18 2021 Leaf Metal Hobby Box Pick a Player!


5.00 star(s)
Somebody picked a player, whose card I pulled! You could watch the video to find out!
Winner please pick a card, from the list below!
Next Contest 19 should be listed soon. brand new product! Will break after my next break,, which I will submit tomorrow and hopefully Mike or Andy will have it available, soon after!

If the next break fills quickly...Contest 20 will be special as there are 20 autographs in the box and if you pick the player you win the autograph!

Contest 18 of Pick the player who's auto I pull from a Box of 2021 Leaf Metal Hobby. 6 Autos in the box! Here's the link for checklist. Some Pretty big stars available.

2021 Leaf Metal Draft Baseball Cards Checklist

2021 Leaf Metal Draft Baseball checklist, set info, buy box, release date, reviews. Hobby boxes have 6 autographs and Jumbo boxes have 10.

Will break when my next box break hits the Target. 2024 Bowman break is only $49 from the Target.

Sean Burkertsjr
James Woodthedaws
Ethan Wilsoneliatack
Gabriel MorenoJourneyman
Bryan AcunaRubypup
Bobby Witt JrKingdome
Jordan Wickscubman1941

One pick per person! Multiple winners possible depending on correct choices. Card will be mailed in a PWE.
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Contest 18 of Pick the player who's auto I pull from a Box of 2021 Leaf Metal Hobby. 6 Autos in the box! Here's the link for checklist. Some Pretty big stars available.

2021 Leaf Metal Draft Baseball Cards Checklist

2021 Leaf Metal Draft Baseball checklist, set info, buy box, release date, reviews. Hobby boxes have 6 autographs and Jumbo boxes have 10.

Will break when my next box break hits the Target. 2024 Bowman break is only $53 from the Target.

One pick per person! Multiple winners possible depending on correct choices. Card will be mailed in a PWE.
I will do:

BA-EW1 Ethan Wilson

thank you for all these free contests bob. and for having a braves patch for me to win. if ian anderson is still available id like it. tks john
Hi John
Ian will be sent with the break.
Thanks for the support.
I ran out of ink on the printer. So depending when it arrives , I will be mailing.
Hoping to have Contest 19 up tonight, it depends if the checklist is available. I’ve bought 2 boxes of 2024 Wild Card Matte. Baseball and using one.