Complete Take a peak if you are Chourio! Contest 17 Pick the Player 2023 Leaf Metal Hobby!


5.00 star(s)
Well, if I decide to sell, should get the price of the box back with the Jackson Chourio 6/7 Top 100
2023 Leaf Metal 17.jpg

Tommy White B10 base Silver 92/189
David Ortiz base B36 Purple Sparkle 4/4
Jackson Chourio 6/7 Top 100 T1 Top 100 Auto
Kendry Rojas N-KR1 Noble Red Fractor 1/1 Auto
Josh Knoth BA-JN1 4/8 Auto
Zach Qin BA-ZQ1 6/6 Auto
Sterlin Thompson BA-ST1 4/5 Auto
River Ryan Pre-Production Proof BA 1/1 Auto

Not too many players this time, oh well.

Dansby Swansoncubman1941
JR caminerorubypup
Nick Kurtzbfd13
Nolan Schanuelzlw1
Paul Skenes
Paul SkenesEliatack
Rhett Lowderpeaceandlove
Sandy KoufaxJschatteman
Zach Netomm1sub

Simple Contest...
Breaking 2023 Leaf Metal Baseball
Each box contains 6 Autos Plus 2 Base Cards
Great looking Cards. And, there's 8 chances to pick a winner!
Pick the Player Contest 17 You are playing for the prizes below!

2023 Leaf Metal Baseball Cards

2023 Leaf Metal Baseball checklist, set info, buy boxes, release date, print runs, parallels. Find 6 autographs per Hobby box & 10 per Jumbo.
One pick per person! Multiple winners possible depending on correct choices. Card will be mailed in a PWE.
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Curious does all the cards go to the teams picked in the Elite Extra break? Or whom ever picks a player and you keep what people didn't pick?
Curious does all the cards go to the teams picked in the Elite Extra break? Or whom ever picks a player and you keep what people didn't pick?
Thanks for all the bids:
1 All the cards that have the team's city on the card, go to that team. In the case of the New York, Chicago and LA teams, I look up the player's name of, to get the correct team.
2 As stated in first post
All the cards, except the DPL have the city of the team that drafted the players. The DPL's will be randomize in the order they come out the packs. Once the target is hit, I will randomize all 30 teams for the DPL wins. So, the more teams you own, the better your chance of a DPL card.

Unless I have a team in the break, I do not keep any cards from the break. In fact, I usually send a fair amount of extra cards. I am 72 years old, have over a million cards, that none of my heirs want. My "hobby" is self-sustaining...I don't by any new boxes, in most cases, until I have either completed a break. So, the $250 from the Elite break, I will use to by new boxes for another break. The money from my eBay and sportlots sales, I use to by boxes of Leaf baseball, that I use for my contests. I price all my breaks' Targets at what I paid for the boxes, plus enough to cover shipping.

The newly listed break for 2023 Topps Chrome Update (with a blaster of 2022 Chrome Platinum & 2021 Chrome Platinum Mega,) was listed here before and has been running since Last February on We're only allowed to run a break on here for one month, usually. In this case, because the Elite break closed and I am on vacation helping my daughter in St Louis, Mike is allowing the Update break in run until the end of May.

Thanks again for all the bids on the Elite, hopefully, you'll check out the Update break and my future breaks.
If you have a want list, LMK, I prefer to sell, but will trade for cards for clients.
I was asking about the Leaf Metal, do the teams out of the Leaf Metal go to the bought teams? So.. like Paul Skenes was picked Elia, they get that card even thou I paid for Pirates, then if no one gets the rest of the 7 cards correct out of the Leaf Metal, where do they go?
Actually, no. The Leaf autos are for me. You pick a player out of the Leaf checklist and I pull it, you get to pick from the prize list at the bottom. The Leaf cards about the only cards I am collecting.
Sorry, for the miss understanding.