weird sale...


Transactions: 1
2005 SP Authentic RC Michael Roos $5 :scratch:

hes a lineman for the Titans, or was, no clue...he has a variety of cards (reflections, foundations...)

odd card to have people fight over, but ill take it

also did the usual sales to family members of Dallas Sartz and Boomer Grigsby from the batch that came in last week...i know ive sold like 8 Sartz SPAs now to that name, and at least my 3rd Grigsby to a Grigsby, he went to Illinois State and someone in Illinois buys them, so guessing family

with the SPA i sold im left with a little over 300 cards (38 autos) that im into for about $50 after 1 round of listings, its a good start to recoup, especially with how slow the market is right now, i just wish Dumervil stuff would go nuts like it did back in 08 when his SPA was doing $12, ive got 5 or 6 of them now