Football Travis Henry Tests Positive Again


Bench Warmer
DENVER ( - A highly-placed NFL source says former Denver Broncos running back Travis Henry has tested positive again for *********.

FOX 31 Sports reporter Josina Anderson learned about the positive test late Thursday night.

That information came from the same highly-placed NFL source that broke news of failed **** tests by both Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams and Henry to FOX 31 in the past.

“He is coming up for a year suspension,” the source told Josina Anderson.

This is the second time Henry is facing a possible one-year suspension from the NFL.

On December 4, 2007, the 29-year-old Henry successfully appealed a previous positive ********* test result of 21 nanograms/milliliter. Henry’s attorneys demonstrated a lapse in the NFL’s discovery process when the league failed to turn over all of Henry’s test results from within a two-week period of his offending sample.

Steve Zissou, one of Henry’s attorneys at the time, told Fox 31 Sports that Henry had a negative test result four days prior to testing positive as well.

“There are false positives in the world of testing,” Zissou said at that time.

Now Henry faces a long road of defending himself again should he choose to do so.

So much for Henry...if he ever had a shot at coming back.
ac-n-mike said:
and in MORE suprising news...the Sky is BLUE, Water is WET and Grass is GREEN LOL

True enough. LOL. Anyways, it is really to bad that these guys busted and then they have a second chance and go **** out. That is really what bugs me. Wasting all that that talent. Hopefully he can get back...but whatever at this point.