yeah i did pretty well, especially for being blasters...real tempted to order more, but there isnt much demand on the product, and obviously some wholesalers are selling cheap because a fair number have hit ebay the past month after being pretty dry from mid Feb to end of April...
heck, it took like 3 weeks for ANY version of an Ashley Wagner auto to be listed after i sold mine at the end of the Olympics, now a steady stream has hit the market again...
but of what i did list, im over $60 in bids (opening bids on Vonn, Bode Miller, and Curt Tomatoolongtoremember Silver autos) really hoping for some Dancing with the Stars traffic as i have 10 card base lots of both Meryl Davis and Amy Purdy listed, Relics of both, the Purdy Bronze Auto /50, the Davis Gold Relic /25, then a Charlie White relic, plus i have some parallels of each up...i think once the winner is announced ill get some action, i just cant see DJ Tanner winning because of the 'fan' vote...
pretty sure ill order at least another 40, but i may bump that to 100 (look out below)...then i better pull a stupid Gracie Gold auto, since i could buy one for $55 or so..i already bought a Wagner auto, ive pulled relics of both, so now i have 2 Gracie Gold and 1 Wagner that im willing to move, just glad i didnt nut up and buy a Gold since they have been $10-$20 for the most part...
super fun break, not too many 'turd' hits like in a lot of products, i mean i got like 5 autos that should pull down $20+ each, and thats out of 40 hits...4 of them could actually see $40 and not shock me (Pikus Pace has done up to $70, the Vonn last went for $50)...the Auto/Relic ratio isnt too bad, though i did hit multiples of a couple of the turds in the relic department, but also hit 3 of one of the top ones in Gold...
only able to make 10 sets, which i found to be odd, since i got 25 Meryl Davis, 25 Amy Purdy, 29 Ashley Wagner, and 24 Gracie Gold, figured i would be a lock for 15...
also with another big order i should be able to complete the insert sets i got 14/15 of one, 8/11 on one, and 11/24 on the other (complete sets have sold for $65 twice, i only pulled 12, so just 1 duplicate).
i also think if i ordered another 40 i would be able to complete 2 Bronze sets and a Silver set, not that they go for that much, but still fairly way id complete the Gold or Rainbow sets some of what i am missing for the sets are Gracie Golds that i pulled for PC...
still nothing from Topps about the Pin