Football Talk with Trev # I


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So i just had an idea and im creating this. Its kinda a sports discussion thread.

Farve insists he is fine but people come one! If the Packers want a serious shot at the playoff let alone the wild card, the need a QB who can scramble. The only way Farce can get some speed is if Big Boy Bubba pushes Farve on a wheelchair!

PacMan Jones cant wrestle. it was stated in a restraining order issued against Pacman. Well........ whats Mr Pacman to do? He's banned from football, wrestling, strip clubs. Thats about every violent place he likes.

The Phillies have lost another player..... Shane "Flyin Haiwain" victorinio. Plans are being made for a portable hospital in the locker room.

Brady Quinn signed for 5 years. He is guranteed 7.5 mil. Yes, he still has 22 on the brain(30-7.5=22)

My first issue,i know some of the jokes are corney, but i promise itll be better next time(if there is a next time, depends on wether or not u guys like it.)
Lol the Phillies statement might as well become true. I like em. Just need some longer storys and hit some real good story lines.
you should use the BLOG for this...EXACTLY what it is used can update it as often as you like....(its on the HOME PAGE)...good far so good