Some Football cards on Ebay


Bench Warmer
A look at the most watched football cards for sale on eBay right now. Therefore a good barometer for which cards are currently the most popular with collectors. Below shows some of the cards that has a lot of bidding on Ebay. Photos attached provides a current view of the most popular rookie cards, classic football cards from the past and others that are being offered at auction and have attracted the attention of bidders. Whether you’re buying or not, this list is a good way to learn what’s hot.

2018 National Treasures Red Baker Mayfield RPA RC Letter " A " Patch AUTO 1/1
82 bids - Price: $30,200.00

2000 Bowman Chrome Refractor #236 Tom Brady Patriots RC Rookie PSA 9 " RARE "
23 bids - Price: $5,700.00

TOM BRADY 2018 National Treasures Football Peerless Signatures AUTO 05/10 Pats
32 bids - Price: $1,454.69

2018 Panini National Treasures Sam Darnold True RPA 2 Color Patch Auto 10/99
30 bids - Price: $1,173.00

MASON RUDOLPH 2018 National Treasures RPA 5Color PATCH AUTO 2/5 JERSEY NUMBER RC 46 bids - Price: $1,399.00Baker.jpg Bowman.jpg Tom.jpg sam.jpg mason.jpg
Hi there!
we have a lot of Panini cards Japan version (prices from 1 to 15 euros )
Match Attax Premier League and World Cup (from 0,50 euros to 10 )
and also Panini calciatori Stickers

let us know in case