Football Sigh....


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Well my mom is worse then we thought, she may have to go into the hospital. She cant work and it stinks. The bank declined her loan offer because with out her income we have next to no credit(my dad is navy) and because of all that for me no cards, no card show, no packs, boxes anything for 6 months. Im really upset.
CardCraze said:
Well my mom is worse then we thought, she may have to go into the hospital. She cant work and it stinks. The bank declined her loan offer because with out her income we have next to no credit(my dad is navy) and because of all that for me no cards, no card show, no packs, boxes anything for 6 months. Im really upset.
Sorry to hear about your mom, I hope that it works out for the better. We will keep your mom in our prayers here.
On a more serious note, and please don't take this as my bashing you, but I can't help but think that your attitude towards the situation is just a little selfish. Right now I believe that there might be a few more important things than cards or card shows. Sure, you're disapointed, but right now your mom and dad need your support in any way you can give it. Perhaps you could find a way to help your mom around the house a little or just give her an encouraging word, or a nice big hug and tell her how much you care about her. I'm almost postive that would mean ALOT to her.
Speaking as one who knows, and as a parent of some fine upstanding kids, Your help and support will be much appreciated and possibly rewarded, even if in a small way. Take it from me.........the little things mean alot to mom and dad.
Don't wory about the cards so much right now, there will plenty of time in your life to enjoy the hobby. Right now, there is something much more important on the table.
I'll keep your family in my prayers. Hope she gets better and you never know maybe a miracle will happen and your parents will have extra income from somewhere (not for the cards but for the family needs you may have come up).
CardCraze said:
i didnt mean it like that, i meant we're going to be struggling to put food on the table.
I'm sure that things will work out for the best, but in the mean time, try to help out as much as you can. The less that your mom and dad have to worry about, the better.
I've been in the same boat myself for the last year and 8 mos, except it's my wife that has to work to support the family. Sure it gets hard sometimes but we always seem to get through the rough spots. I had heart surgery just as my kids got out of school and am just now healing up from that just as they go back to school. I don't know what I would have done if my oldest daughter hadn't put her entire social life on hold to help out around the house while I was incapacitated. She never once complained or asked for anything extra all summer long. A big sacrifice for a teenager IMO. She's got one hell of a nice surprise coming once I get a little extra cash. ;)
Man, really sorry to hear that. Hope your mom gets better. Life is so important that everything else doesn't quite matter as much.