PACK SALE: 2006-2007 Finest Basketball

ggoose3 said:
Hey bro, just wondering when I can expect the two boxes by. Thanks!

oh so you are still on the site...PMed you about 12 times asking for payment for the box break....AND the Marbury contest and emailed you as well... it's ok the teams you asked about got resold....NEXT TIME please let me know if you plan on NOT taking the teams you asked about

good luck on your boxes
Hi Mike you have a PM what I can do is send you what paypal I have now which is near half for what I owe you and when I get the balance just forward it over to you.

LMK if that works
bhelser said:
OK don't come crying to me when I pull an Oden auto ;)

Well I guess its Karma Bhelser!!!

I got this out of my 3 packs.

So it was most likely 1 or 11, because seven was probably in the middle. I am fine with that...I was deciding whether to pick 7, 8, and 9 or 8, 9, and 10 so good thing it wasn't 7.