OMGosh - the post office


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So just did a PWE at my post office. I do so much PWE that I buy sheets of the NON-MACHINABLE stamps. When I do a trade I get the envelope ready and put the NON-MACHINABLE stamp on then walk into the Post Office and say "This is all ready I just need you to mark it non-machinable" For about 20 or more years....never a problem.

Today: envelope ready and postage on it....walk into the post office and say "This is ready, I need you to mark it non-machinable" and it proceeds as follows:

"Honey, nothing get's hand sorted"

Me: "I have been doing this for years, its a special stamp for non-machinable mail."

"I've been here a long time and nothing get's hand sorted."

I reach over her desk and tap the top of the RED "NON-MACHINABLE" stamp and I say: "Can you just put this on my envelope"

She hands me a pen and says: "You can write whatever on it, but nothing is hand-sorted."

I say: "Then why is there a special postage stamp that I pay more for that is called a "NONMACHINABLE STAMP" and why do you have a red stamper that is used to stamp envelopes in red with the words "NONMACHINABLE"?"

She proceeds to take my envelope and stamps it "NOCNMACHINALE" and says "Have a good day."

I doubt that envelope is every going to see the light of day again.

Why does easy stuff have to be so hard?
