Football My Last Straw For Plummer!!!!


Bench Warmer
After watching the Denver game tonight, I am all with starting Jay Cutler. Yea, Jake Plummer is good, but he makes waaaaay too many rookie mistakes. I was thinking that Plummer should stay in, b/c we were in the race more. But now we are falling out of there! Our Offense CAN NOT score!!! Plummer is one of THE most unconsistent qb's!!!! I was huge on Plummer wen we were doing good, so I am gonna be huge on him when we arent! Cutler, I hope ur ready!
ya cutler is ready he was ready to get the job in the beggining i think they would do a lot better with him. but i don't see them changing qbs in middle of season b/c if cutler does bad playoff hopes are gone stay with who u started with. put cutler i quess in next game he does good keep him in but its a gutsy move.
Cutler was outstanding in the preseason! Plus look at the Cowboys, their switch worked. And have you seen some of Jake Plummer's decisions?! OMG can they get any worse?! Plus Plummer is horrible in the playoffs..
tht pick wasnt his fault the guy tipped it up right in ty laws hand. but still he isn't playing good throw in the towell they knew cutler was there franchise player.
Maybe if they were able to run the ball unlike they were last night so much pressure wouldnt be on Plummer, Cutler is gonna suck quote me on that...
randallcards said:
Maybe if they were able to run the ball unlike they were last night so much pressure wouldnt be on Plummer, Cutler is gonna suck quote me on that...
That is true, too. But I really think Cutler is gonna be good. Randall I just got some really nice Husker PC in that I am gonna be posting.
cutler should get the start.

Plummer isn't playing well that gotta take chances to wina and make the playoffs, plus it would give Cutler some good experience.
Jake Plummer was never really good. He just gave you guys the false since of hope he was heading in the right direction since he signed . He really is terrible just 1 interception under his career td mark . He will never lead anyone to the SB . Just look at last yr everything mistake free Plummer untill the Afc title . What 4 turnover by himself that game ? It wasnt good whatever it was