Members Online List/Hidden


5.00 star(s)
Okay, maybe it's just me, but I really hate the fact that I cant see who is on because of members hiding their online status or that there isn't a "Who was online today member/guest/MOD/Admin. list"

It really makes it hard to see who's really active here at SCC as if it seem's like no one is online, when really they are. Doesn't help the site any if a member comes on and you look in the right corner to see who's on or been on and see's that there is no one has been here.

I personally would disable the Hide Online Status, there is really no reason to hide your online status unless your hiding something. Same with the Moderator's/Admin. You should be standing out like a sore thumb so any member can contact you and show your presence of leadership in a almost non-active forum.

This is just my opinion and just a thought that maybe the Team of SCC can debate on to change it or not.