Football Fantasy Football ....


Bench Warmer
Anyone interested in getting another league together? I've been pretty lazy and havent joined one yet, but if theres enough interest we can create another league and get a draft scheduled before the season starts ...
I like the idea of a prize. Maybe everyone puts up a $20 GU'd? Winner take all or top 2 take all (75-25%).

I'd be in.
I created a league 'FreaksFantasy' on Yahoo and set a draft for this week > Thu Aug 23 8:30pm EDT ...

If you're interested > Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football

The PW is the two words, without the space, atop this page next to FREAKS - if you are interested, but you can't figure that out; PM me.
canesfan2011 said:
Whats the League Id#? we have to have that to join

oops thought that link went to the page .... 'FreaksFantasy' is the name and I'm pretty sure its in the link #518690 ...

Was hoping to get at least half a dozen teams - shucks. :confused: