Cards FT and FS

Did you like anyone else? If possible can we switch out the Rip for another guy worth the same? Because I have a couple offers lined up for him that actually go in my favor so please tell me if you see anyone else you like.
Well I would really love to add something for the triple auto, but other than that, I could kinda also use the jefferson auto patch and maybe the bosh auto jersey /100
So exactly is the trade you have in mind?

XquisiteCardz said:
Well I would really love to add something for the triple auto, but other than that, I could kinda also use the jefferson auto patch and maybe the bosh auto jersey /100
Hmmm, not really trading exquisites unless its for other exquisite. The only 2 I wanna move are the robinson and the ivey, but the robinson is on hold for someone else, so the Ivey is still available...